"God is a comedian playing to an audience that cannot laugh." - Voltaire

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I like your writing, it is thought provoking!....As for the freewill/fate argument, I have no idea which holds sway in this world - but I do know believing one side allows for the boundless highs & lows of all that life has to offer, while the other is a limited, purposeless, dare i say depressing, way to go thru life.....As for Shakespearean characters, I have never thought them to be particularly fatalistic. I have always believed them to be realistic representations of where life goes, when you continually let any of the various seven deadlies drive your psychological bus.

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Although I'm an agnostic, I liked the way you presented your ideas. The world is definitely a crazy place! Here are 2 videos on free will and morality (must watch)

1) https://youtu.be/2_BTVN68-ZA

2) https://youtu.be/qIZmSO2TVuw

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